Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Duke’s Desire by Erica Ridley


This was a fantastic Christmas gift from Erica Ridley to her readers! The only drawback to it is the fact we have to wait almost a year for the next title in this fabulous series. 

We readers have been waiting for Lucien’s story for a long time, and not only did it NOT disappoint; it was my favorite of the three le Duc siblings’ stories. 

I absolutely loved the idea of the hero needing lessons in another language and that that kept him from socializing with the village around him. I felt it was a very interesting take on a grumpy hero. Meg was certainly not your average historical romance heroine, either! I wasn’t sure I would like her at first but I really did by the end. She was unconventional and a lot of fun. 

The town of Cressmouth is always a pleasure to visit and I can’t wait for the last 4 titles next year!!

*I received an eARC from Erica Ridley in exchange for an honest review. 

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