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Theodore Prescott the Third, heir to a steel company magnate, has ambition for little else besides attending parties with his friends and wooing women. Daisy Swan has plenty of ambition and plans to remain unwed, forever. When their parents announce they’re to be engaged, Daisy and Theo team up to fake an engagement.
I liked Daisy more than Theo but only because I feel like she was given more personality than he was. I really enjoyed the prologue and their history together. The fact that Theo learned from that history was fantastic. I felt like Daisy learned from it, too.
Probably one of my favorite things about this title was that there was no insta-lust which seems to be everywhere these days. Theo and Daisy don’t even particularly like each other through a big chunk of the book.
I did find the prologue and first 70% of the book more entertaining than the last 30%. I found myself skimming at that point. Once they decided they did indeed like each other (which I realize had to happen sooner or later), I found the events to be less interesting.
Maya Rodale is one of my go to authors so I will of course be reading the next title in this series.
*I received an eARC from Edelweiss, NetGalley, and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.